Jaspa's Journey

Maps & Glossaries


Maps from The Great Migration

The Serengeti (overview)

The Serengeti (detail)



Maps from The Pride of London

The Path of Keys



Maps from Jaspa's Waterloo

Jaspa's Route

The Battle of Waterloo

June 18th, 1815



Maps from The Hermit of Kennecott

Inside Passage

McCarthy Road




Maps from The Prisoner of Venice

& The Ses Collector of Venice


The Venetian Lagoon



Gravee's Glossary

Gravee (pronounced Gravy) is one of my best friends. He’s Scottish, and has an accent some people find a little difficult to understand at first.

To help the non-Scottish, click the link below for a PDF file containing some of Gravee’s more unusual words and pronunciations. I promise to keep it up-to-date it as more Jaspa’s Journey books are published.

And one final piece of advice... If you’re still having trouble understanding Gravee, try reading what he says out loud. No honestly, try it... It really does help!